Thursday, August 30, 2012

Self Love (29 Aug 2012)

It’s been a year that I didn’t post anything here. This blog was neglected for quite some times. What do I need to do? What should I do? And what am I doing now? My vision seems blur and time go by slowly, and tons of unrealized dreams and ambitions to be done. Sometimes the feeling of lonely lingers that make me feel frustrated. How to detach myself from this messy lifestyle? There are numerous stress and worries in everyday lives. Just try to be kind to me. I should start by reading blogs and learn to be positive and how to upgrade myself to be a better person. Being happy or unhappy is a choice. Reinforce positive attitude in myself so that people around can feel the happiness as well. To effectively train myself up, try to appreciate things more. The food, the people, the work, the environment, or even the smell that may boost up my thinking and energy. Through this approach, my life will be easier and lighter. Always believe in God will always lead me to the brighter way. Don't doubt him and be comfy of what happen around, because every day is created by Him. I trusted you and I will pray to you.