Thursday, December 27, 2012

What are my most grateful for year 2012 (27 Dec 2012)

날씨가 너무 좋네요 ~ 잘지내고 있는겨?.. 보고 싶었어요.. 
How has my year of 2012 been?

Working life (all about $$)

Less Entertainment – Less Outing– Less Drinking – No boyfriend - More Exercise - Healthy Lifestyle

This year mentally grew up compare to few years back. From a very needy, weak and dependent person have become a tougher person now. Although I still depend on my parents at times, but I choose not to and as time goes by I came to realized how fragile is a human being and they won't forever be around to pamper me like a princess I used to be. The only person that will always be with me is God and I. That’s the reason why I need to continue to depend on HIM for the support.

Practice a lot in being silence, read a book that taught me do not reveal all my thoughts to people because one day, nobody would ever listen to whatever I said and trust me. I came to realized that whatever I said now has to back up with my own action. I don’t like giving false hope or revealing much about my future because I'd not achieved anything now and I don't want to give any disappointment to the listener. 

*God is good and God is Great*
He opened my eyes made me realized who am I. Being a responsible person as growing up I started to have visual to understand and differentiate what’s right and wrong and what’s important to me in my life.  That’s you, my family and God.
And also come to understand that maturity is not about AGE, it is what you do and what you say, it is thinking of others first before thinking of one’s self or being selfish and forcing people to understand your own point of view because nobody could understand you or your life, don't expect them to understand you in and out because they are not walking on the same path as you.

Learning how to stop judging people, I'll first look into the mirror before I go judge anybody. I'm not perfect and there're tons of drawbacks in myself.  I don’t feel that I’m so matured now but I’m practicing and will always stick to my own principles.

What are 12 things I love about this year.

1)      Love my family more and more – work work work - sacrifice time to spend with them; what I can do is buy them good food every time home visits. This is my favourite. 

2)      I have financially independent now compares to the old times, everything relying on grandparents. 

3)      I leave home worked in Singapore for a year, became more independent in taking care of myself.

4)      God presence  – he will always find a way for me to stepped out when I’m in the darkness

5)      Good friends and Bad friends – no clarification for this. You have to experience yourself. 

6)      More exercise – not to be slim but to be healthy

7)      Less alcohol – it’s tempting but determinations need to improve.

8)      Eat vegetables and fruits now 

9)      Good working environment – Blessing from God and this is so well prepared by him

10)   Good colleagues – treating people the same way how you would like to be treated. 

11)   Good Boss and Manager – treated me so well especially once I saw the yearly bonus.. I laughed so hard and I wet myself (on my face)

12)   Lastly, Christmas time was one of my favourite days of the year, I spent time with family the day before Christmas Eve, and we’d party at home. So warm and delighted.

Goodbye 2012 and Welcome 2013

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Red ink stains one red, black ink stains one black

I read this book recently and found a few proverbs that I personally love and there is one a very good chinese proverbs that I would love to share it here so that I can remind myself all the time.

近朱者赤,近墨者黑 (jìn zhū zhě chìjìn mò zhě hēi)

A Chinese proverb similar to the English saying "Bad company corrupts good character", and extremely similar to the Greek proverb "A man is known by the company he keeps

The origin of this saying lies in the way the Chinese used to prepare ink for writing and painting. There were two basic colours available in the ancient days: red (; chì) and black (; hēi). Red ink was known in Chinese as 朱砂墨 (zhū shā mò), while black ink was simply called (mò). To prepare the ink, one had to grind an ink-stick in an ink container (about as big as an ash tray), taking care that one's long sleeves stayed out of the way. Grinding the ink-stick often meant that the ink would stain your fingers (or sleeves, if you were careless or inept). Therefore, another person could always tell which ink you were using by the colour
s on your hands.
This principle was applied in predicting the way a person's character would turn out by the kind of company he was keeping; or vice versa to tell a person's friends by his personality.