Thursday, March 14, 2013

Give Thanks to You Lord (13 Mar 2013)

Hello to all of my friends,

I would love to thank you to all my friends that giving me supports and all the positive advice during my miserable moments. Your supports are so important to me. Even a small deed but have become a very big favor to me. I appreciate all of your kindness and concerned towards me and my family. Thank you.

I’m here to give you an update of my mama. I happy to say that mama’s surgeries were successful. Besides the breast area, only the lymph nodes have another big tumor and 28 small ones, but all had been removed. She is still on wounds recovering stage and thank you God for all the blessing and strengths upon mama. By the time she fully recovered. She will need to go for chemotherapy for 6 times and I hope these 6 times wouldn’t harm her body. *Pray hard*

Dear Lord, I just want to thank you for hearing my prayers and answered them one by one. Thank you for helping me all the time when I am lost and you stretch out your hand for me to hold and I know you will never let me down. You never once failed to answer my prayers. You always know what is best for me and what is not. Thank you so much, you’re awesome and I love you.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

My Prayer to you Father God (01 March 2013)

Dear Father I pray,
Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright,
Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright,
Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright,
Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright,
Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright,
Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright,
Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright,
Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright,
Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright,
Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright,
Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright,
Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright,
Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright,
Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright,
Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright,
Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright,
Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright,
Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright,
Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright,
Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright,
Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright,
Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright, Mama will be alright,

In the name of Holy Jesus I pray, Amen!

My Prayer to you Father God (01 March 2013)

Dear God,
You already knew it that mama will undergo an operation later at around 2pm.I'm praying for peace and strength for her to overcome the fear and worries. Dear God please protect her in and out, from top to bottom and left to right all over her body, her mind and her soul. Please touch her and grant her strength and comfort her, so that she can endure the pain after surgeries. Please help her to have a quick and complete recovery. Dear Father God please accepts my prayer for what it is. I knew this surgery will be successful. I wanted to thank you in advance for the answered prayer, in the name of Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit and almighty Father God I sincerely pray, Amen!

Friday, March 1, 2013

My Prayer to You Father (28 Feb 2013)

Lovely God, today is last day of the month. You know how really tired I am these days when things are getting frantic.

I would still love to give you thanks to you even though February was a bad month to me, but still you strengthen my wings to faith.

Everyday devotion draws me closer to your arms and I know that I’m not alone because you watched over me and my family.

Dear Father God, I also want to thank you for all your blessings and generosity by sending angels to console mama, especially when she’s having a tough time and pray that you will take away her pain and illness after tomorrow.

I also pray that her operation will be successful and she will receive total healing from you.

Pray that she may have peace in mind and strength to overcome these obstacles.

Pray for wisdom and guidance for doctor and nurse through the operation.

Make them to be your hands, eyes, mouth, and brain so that the operation will be 100% successful.

Thank you Father God, sincerely pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!