Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Cherish Every Moment!

I've been through some pretty stressful life in the past few years. 

Break-up because of cheating and financial crisis because of the same guy. The guy who has a very bad tempered that unleashed the worst of it on his girlfriend, that's ME! And it's not easy to hold up to this disaster by myself.

No doubt but my life was tougher than you think. A life that no one should go through. 

What's so tough about it? Well, I guess no one could understand, but myself. Going through a life that couldn't tell or share with anyone of my burden because of protecting the dignity of a man. 
OH Gosh!!

You must thinking I am being so silly. 
Yes, love can make someone goes silly or sick and if you hadn't been silly means you hadn't been in love.

This poor little girl always sat on the stairs crying and staring at the floor, asking why I have to live through these? What have I done wrong and why can't I live my life like most of the ordinary girl? Having someone to pamper and take care. Just a simple kiss on the forehead or putting the hands around my shoulder. 

Sometimes it's just as simple as that.

I often asked myself. What have I done wrong? What can I do to fix things right? Was I not good enough? Million questions going through my head asking myself why-why-why? After what-what-what? I finally realized asking that wouldn't make things right. But instead, keep telling myself, I shouldn't blame, I shouldn't curse and I shouldn't ask WHY. I have to find ways to be happy again and move on!

Drop it, leave it and let it go.
Buried it and never look back.    

I know I need trust, I need love and I need support. The only source I could think of is my family. I took a lot of guts to tell them what happened. That was so much relieved and my burden totally put off. 

I told myself that I couldn't let me parents down and I permitted myself to be extremely sad and breakdown for one week. Yes, just one week. 

It's not that hard actually. 

After all, the moral of the story loves all you can but not to sacrifice everything you have. 

To be frank, after the break-up, I was so afraid to be alone because I am not used to being alone for years. But now I know to be alone is better than being with the wrong person. Hurt really can make someone goes wiser, go stronger and go braver. I appreciate everything I have been through and that's made me who I am today. 

I began to learn to be my life to the fullest, to love myself and pamper myself like no one else could. Just a simple manicure, facial or a short getaway that could help to restore my energy to the maximum. I think life is all about how you cherish being in that moment itself and no concerns about the future. It's about the moment that kept in the heart now. I always trusted God will open another door for you if he shuts one door. 

Everyone does have a gift, what kind of gift? Perhaps we have to discover it ourselves what is it for us to find our sunshine after the rain. One day you will understand why you don't need to ask more and it will eventually come to you. When you have the toughest moment in life, please cherish it because of the bad, you know the best thing is on its way. 

*cross-finger*, have faith in everything and good things will come eventually.

Thanks God, Thanks Dad, Thanks Mom, Thanks Sis and Thank "YOU" Uncle Dave. 

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