Saturday, October 1, 2016

Happiness Within My Reach

1st Oct 2016, my favorite month of the year. Just feels like writing something down here.

Every now and then I always have dreams and always wishing my dreams to come true one day. Every girl or women have their own fantasy and dreams. Neither do I? After so much happened in my life. I've learned that the dream wouldn't just add up in my way without me working hard to achieve it. Every single thing I do now determines my future.

I know I have wasted so much time being the old me waiting for the best to come, as I constantly think I'm the best and good in everything. I am trying to move from being a self-centered to being a people-centred person and be humble myself to think. When I sit in my room silently and thought about what's going on? Why can't I have what I wished for all the time? Why is it so easy for some people? And then, so many pictures flashing back in my head. I finally realized when if I need something good or want my dreams to come true. I need to work really hard to get it. Work seriously hard no matter in career, relationship, friendship, financial stability, the connection between people, everything needs effort and time to build. Just because I took longer than the others, but that doesn't mean I failed. I am trying hard and harder than before. I will paint of own future from today onwards. I am not trying to prove my life to anyone but myself.

I cannot make the changes to the weather, but I can change the clothes that I wear to accommodate the weather condition. I can't change the things that happen to me before, but I can change my attitude and control my response towards the situation.

Money, does having more money make me happier? Do buy branded stuff and all the expensive goods bring happiness to my life? Yes, indeed it does!! If I have enough, I can do things I want without worrying to pay the next bills. But as long as I continue to work hard, money isn't a problem anymore. But why I still feel unhappy now even I have traveled to the place I want, bought branded things and etc? Is it not enough? I realized money can only buy me short term happiness and less happiness than I expect. All my branded stuff has now hidden in my closet. I didn't even take it out and look at it for months. The past two months I have been to the UK and I have learned so much from the trip. I have lived in a home for 6 weeks that doesn't need to show off the luxury, and it was the happiest moment in my life. I feel so contented and so much freedom staying away from toxic people (judgemental people - who judge what bag you take, how much you earn, and etc)

I will be myself, live for myself and my loved ones, I will not live my life to impress anyone. I just want to live like tomorrow is the last day. Enjoy and appreciate every moment and stay happy even though the plan doesn't always come to my way. Stop expecting other people to make me happy, I have to find the happiness within myself.

I've found the formula for myself to have peace and could make myself happier. I will work hard to achieve it.

I just love this portrait so much. 18 Sept 2016

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