Thursday, December 27, 2012

What are my most grateful for year 2012 (27 Dec 2012)

날씨가 너무 좋네요 ~ 잘지내고 있는겨?.. 보고 싶었어요.. 
How has my year of 2012 been?

Working life (all about $$)

Less Entertainment – Less Outing– Less Drinking – No boyfriend - More Exercise - Healthy Lifestyle

This year mentally grew up compare to few years back. From a very needy, weak and dependent person have become a tougher person now. Although I still depend on my parents at times, but I choose not to and as time goes by I came to realized how fragile is a human being and they won't forever be around to pamper me like a princess I used to be. The only person that will always be with me is God and I. That’s the reason why I need to continue to depend on HIM for the support.

Practice a lot in being silence, read a book that taught me do not reveal all my thoughts to people because one day, nobody would ever listen to whatever I said and trust me. I came to realized that whatever I said now has to back up with my own action. I don’t like giving false hope or revealing much about my future because I'd not achieved anything now and I don't want to give any disappointment to the listener. 

*God is good and God is Great*
He opened my eyes made me realized who am I. Being a responsible person as growing up I started to have visual to understand and differentiate what’s right and wrong and what’s important to me in my life.  That’s you, my family and God.
And also come to understand that maturity is not about AGE, it is what you do and what you say, it is thinking of others first before thinking of one’s self or being selfish and forcing people to understand your own point of view because nobody could understand you or your life, don't expect them to understand you in and out because they are not walking on the same path as you.

Learning how to stop judging people, I'll first look into the mirror before I go judge anybody. I'm not perfect and there're tons of drawbacks in myself.  I don’t feel that I’m so matured now but I’m practicing and will always stick to my own principles.

What are 12 things I love about this year.

1)      Love my family more and more – work work work - sacrifice time to spend with them; what I can do is buy them good food every time home visits. This is my favourite. 

2)      I have financially independent now compares to the old times, everything relying on grandparents. 

3)      I leave home worked in Singapore for a year, became more independent in taking care of myself.

4)      God presence  – he will always find a way for me to stepped out when I’m in the darkness

5)      Good friends and Bad friends – no clarification for this. You have to experience yourself. 

6)      More exercise – not to be slim but to be healthy

7)      Less alcohol – it’s tempting but determinations need to improve.

8)      Eat vegetables and fruits now 

9)      Good working environment – Blessing from God and this is so well prepared by him

10)   Good colleagues – treating people the same way how you would like to be treated. 

11)   Good Boss and Manager – treated me so well especially once I saw the yearly bonus.. I laughed so hard and I wet myself (on my face)

12)   Lastly, Christmas time was one of my favourite days of the year, I spent time with family the day before Christmas Eve, and we’d party at home. So warm and delighted.

Goodbye 2012 and Welcome 2013

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Red ink stains one red, black ink stains one black

I read this book recently and found a few proverbs that I personally love and there is one a very good chinese proverbs that I would love to share it here so that I can remind myself all the time.

近朱者赤,近墨者黑 (jìn zhū zhě chìjìn mò zhě hēi)

A Chinese proverb similar to the English saying "Bad company corrupts good character", and extremely similar to the Greek proverb "A man is known by the company he keeps

The origin of this saying lies in the way the Chinese used to prepare ink for writing and painting. There were two basic colours available in the ancient days: red (; chì) and black (; hēi). Red ink was known in Chinese as 朱砂墨 (zhū shā mò), while black ink was simply called (mò). To prepare the ink, one had to grind an ink-stick in an ink container (about as big as an ash tray), taking care that one's long sleeves stayed out of the way. Grinding the ink-stick often meant that the ink would stain your fingers (or sleeves, if you were careless or inept). Therefore, another person could always tell which ink you were using by the colour
s on your hands.
This principle was applied in predicting the way a person's character would turn out by the kind of company he was keeping; or vice versa to tell a person's friends by his personality.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Imagine, feel and touch~ (29 Nov 2012)

Feeling is the greatest power to conquer every good things in life. 
  • Feel God to everything
  • Feel Happy to everything
  • Feel Good to everything
  • Feel Great to everything
  • Feel BLESSED to everything
  • Feel Beautiful to everything
  • Feel Satisfied to everything
  • Feel Fun to everything
  • Feel Determine to everything
  • Feel Lucky to everything
  • Feel Contented to everything
  • Feel Glad to everything
  • Feel Love to everything
  • Feel Positive to everything
  • Feel Fabulous to everything
  • Feel Gratitude to everything
  • Feel Passion to everything
  • Feel excitement to everything
  • Feel Hope to everything
  • Feel Enthusiasm to everything
  • Feel Believe to everything
  • Feel Hope to everything
  • Feel Faith to everything 
  • Feel POWER to everything
Yes, this is tough, but knowing that I'd feel great after so much feelings. 
I will start to feel~

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The sleigh bell is ringing..!! (28 Nov 2012)

 Christmas is coming

Christmas is one of my favorite days of the year,
 if you have read my previous blog about "My Dream Holiday" you would probably know it.

I love Christmas is not because of having a holiday on that day,
but because it's time to Christmas music *ding dong bell*

and what most important is spending this precious time singing Christmas songs with my family..

*wink wink*

Another reason is because the wave of Christmas sales is everywhere..!!!
It's time for a shopping spree. I can't resist going on
Shopping shopping and shopping...!!!
*$$$ fly *
and also,
it is a special time for you to buy gifts and cards for 
your lovely family or friends or special ones.. !!

Christmas tree
brings back sweet memories when I was 16 years old, 
I can say that was a really really sweet one... 
 There was a time in my life when I was young and naive. 
  I remember I’d bought a Christmas tree slightly smaller for my little bf. 
And what crazy was, 
the route I brought the back, was tougher than you can't imagine!
And I spent too much on the tree and decoration fillings.
This memory will be captured in my heart forever.

 *Once upon a time the Craziieeee and Naive me* 

Wanted to give him as a little surprise and decorated it in his room before he came back from school.
** 3 hours passed*
waiting, waiting and waiting 
I finally fell asleep..!
I wasn't expecting much...
Hohoho… the end!

~Well, he is married now~ 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Happy time with family (19 Nov 2012)

Another night I’m here speaking to myself and trying to share my story again. 
  When the weekend is around, I’m ready for something exciting. Yeah you knew it.!!!

Back home again~~!!! Hohoho 
Purpose of going back....

1st - Crystal birthday,  

2nd - hope to visit my friend father again
  loveletter smiley
Feeling so blissful and so charismatic early in the morning (Saturday)
At this moment, there are so much I wish to be thankful for.
When I was in Singapore, I often daydream about having an ideal family brunch during the weekend or holiday.
Because I am always eating alone.
Feeling so happy to have my family seated around the table chit chatting and giving everyone time to talk, we love sharing jokes, they're a real jokers.

Breakfast have become a time for us to celebrate family birthdays
*so sweet right?*
~wink wink~
to be cont~ 
Too sleepy.. Good night peeps..

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Prayer for Today (15 Nov 2012)

A sad thing happens and making me so afraid.
 Sometime feels like, just want the whole world to go away and leave me alone.
Pray for peace, patient, love and guidance when I felt intensively struggled. 
Life is so short and I wish I could cherish every precious moment and I should enjoy every second of life.
and also wish each day I woke up, I could have a grateful thought and things I adore in my mind and I hope everyone that is reading this right now have a really good day too and
May God Bless You and Me...

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Ending of my favorite month "October" (31 Oct 2012)

October is my favorite month of the year.

October is a month that I eagerly look forward to and is going to end 

The month that gives me the feeling of peace and serenity. I love you October...

Coming back to work after long weekends. This is so cruel when I have to get back on track and to face the reality. But come to think of it, my holidays was fun and worthwhile..   
But what sad was, I sacrificed my SHINee’s and SMTOWN concert tickets in exchanging the bus tickets for this whole month to go back to KL.
*Ya really sad to lost this chance but I’m willing to :)*
My October starts with every morning waking up planning on what to pray and what chapter to read in the bible in order to have a blessing day for myself, family and friends. It is a holy month for me.
Something “happened”  giving me the urge to go on a meat fasting for 15 days and abstain from meat in order to have spiritual cleansing, purity of thought and avoiding temptations of flesh in my mind hoping to pray spiritually. It is a month for me to strengthen my relationship with God and have faith in everything I do and also an opportunity for me to seek for forgiveness from God.  The hardest part of all is to abstain from hateful thought, unkind words and cruel feelings towards other people. 

Hannah please be kind!

Although there are ups and downs this month but no matter what’s what, a positive attitude, I choose to make the best out of it, with inner peace, grace and serenity.

Lets hope that October good to all of us and give us a memorable moments. 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Put down my pride (30 Oct 2012)

I'm not perfect but I'm attempting to be perfect.

The way of approaching perfection is exhausted.

As much as I tried, I often have questions in my head like " what will people think? " or "why isn't good enough?"

When myself is clear that no such thing as perfection in this world no matter how hard I tired. ..I never give up trying.

I just want to avoid the pain, blame, judgement, shame and lastly to make myself feel the worthy of love.

I need courage from God to put me on the line.

I want to live and love with my whole heart.Is it difficult?

No, just always tell myself be humble and humble...

On my Birthday (29 Oct 2012)

** Happy and be thankful for what I have now**

It is my birthday today. Being the overly emotional person that I am, my birthdays are often dried up. I don't believe I've ever remarked my birthday here on this blog all this while, but this year I'm trying something a little different.

Last year I've hundreds of wishes on Facebook and elsewhere, and really appreciates that a lot.

Very old times I often think celebration is a must. But somehow my perception have changed. As I look back the past years, I think paying attention and spending time with family are way more meaningful.

Really happy to have my family and cousins around. They sang me birthday song and I felt really touching and funny and shy too. Time flies, but the collection of memories will always remain in my heart.

Message to all my lovely family and friends: 

I'm all about gratitude and appreciate to all of you.

I want you all to know how grateful it is I am now to have you all in my life and how much you all mean to me.

Thank you for the hugs, jokes, smile and laughter you have brought to my life. Thank you for being there and bring so much joy in my life. Really really thankful for that *sincerely*.

A simple blog is not enough for me to express how much I felt and how thankful I am to everyone here in my life. God really loves me so much because he sent all the angels surrounding me.

***This year wished, hoping my friend's (Carmen) father will recover from his sickness***

Saturday, September 15, 2012

My Dream Holiday (2012)

***Actually my dream holiday is very simply

I've often dream of spending the Christmas holidays in another country and experiencing the different cultures and traditions...
 I wish to bring my whole family back to New York again..!!

***Why would I say back to New York again?
Because when I was 2 years old, my parents left Malaysia and they had a very long journey in New York, they stayed there for 10 years.

I was in Malaysia staying with my grandparents and aunt, because of that I never had a chance to celebrate Christmas with them in the past 10 years. 

Although I'd been to New York before but just three months...
 I still remember during the year 1995 when I was 8 years old the World Trade Center were still around.

 I wish I could wander the street and check out the markets

 And to look at all the gorgeous lighting 
snow will definitely be a bonus for me.
 I don’t know if you remember this guy. He is an actor from the movie called Home Alone. His name is Kevin, after I watched this movie; I wish I could be like him in the movie, going door to door singing Christmas songs
  I think is very hard to do this in Asia because we have a different culture.  If you knock on other people house door. They will think you're crazy or you want to rob them!

And of course, I would love to stop by at some coffee shops
 and enjoy some coffees and dessert.

 Lastly, I would love to wear the Christmas costume with these thousands of Santa's and go around the place and walking in different directions in the city...

 “I haven't really been in super cold weather, but it's definitely fun to dream about and if I had a chance to go there during the holidays, I'd love it!”

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Funniest dream ever~~~!!!!! (11 Sept 2012)

Last night I had a dream. For the most part, it wasn't really a dream to me, this dream was so real. It started with I happily holding my SHINee’s concert ticket on hands. I heard sounds like somebody talking in the distance and suddenly “this guy” stands in front of me. I couldn’t remember his face, I seem to know him well. Hohoho "Maybe is future bf"...!!!

He told me that he is working in Korea now and he told me that he could possibly get me another ticket which I can sit nearer to the stage so that I able to see Taemin closely. So at that moment I was so amazed, "jumping jumping" yes or no without hesitation, I totally believed in him. My mind began to rush over and thinking some hilarious thoughts. So on the next day, I sold my ticket to someone else from overseas. Out of sudden “this guy” told me that he is not going to Korea anymore.
I was super shocked and I stared into his eyes directly. 

My nightmare begins here~

I was so angry and going to burst soon while my real body were sweating and crying CRYING and Crying… Hehehe..”Again!”
~tut tut tut~ I forgot some part in the dreams actually…!
~ Long story~
It wasn’t easy but, it was worth the effort of getting back my ticket. So that I woke up with a blissful dream. XD

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Self Love (29 Aug 2012)

It’s been a year that I didn’t post anything here. This blog was neglected for quite some times. What do I need to do? What should I do? And what am I doing now? My vision seems blur and time go by slowly, and tons of unrealized dreams and ambitions to be done. Sometimes the feeling of lonely lingers that make me feel frustrated. How to detach myself from this messy lifestyle? There are numerous stress and worries in everyday lives. Just try to be kind to me. I should start by reading blogs and learn to be positive and how to upgrade myself to be a better person. Being happy or unhappy is a choice. Reinforce positive attitude in myself so that people around can feel the happiness as well. To effectively train myself up, try to appreciate things more. The food, the people, the work, the environment, or even the smell that may boost up my thinking and energy. Through this approach, my life will be easier and lighter. Always believe in God will always lead me to the brighter way. Don't doubt him and be comfy of what happen around, because every day is created by Him. I trusted you and I will pray to you.